Rules of Procedure

The Rules of Procedure at the Association Constitution:

Latest three weeks after the ordinary general meeting or extraordinary general meeting,atwhichchangesinthestructureoftheboardhashappened,theboard must hold a constituting meeting.

Board meetings:

Board meetings are held at least four times a year. Induction and agenda cf. the Constitution. The President can choose to induce to more meetings, if needed. Additionally, the President can cancel board meetings, if the agenda is not sufficient. The keeper of the minutes is elected at each meeting. A chairman can be designated if needed. Usually the date of the forthcoming meeting is settled at every board meeting.


The accountant manage the accounting of the income and outcome of the association, and hands in a yearly account and budget to the board. The financial year of the association comply with the calender year, from the 1st of January to the 31st of December. The revised account is presented at the general meeting.

Banking transaction:

The President, the vice president and the accountant are responsible of the banking transaction of the association. The accountant, opens the needed bank accounts and manage the connection to the bank. In agreement with Danske Bank,The accountant has the authority to payment by cash, as well as bill payment by the relevant bank accounts. Payments or expenses bigger than 10.000 DKK have to be pre-approved by the board.
General Meetings: The induce to the general meeting cf. the Constitution. The general meeting must be convened yearly, before the end of June.

Declaration of Intent:

The purpose of the association is to help alumni, better to create a network and maintain contact to the Niels Bohr Institute, study mates and old relations. The Association will help Master students to form an overview of the labour market, and facilitate network with other alumni. Though a web based platform, through social and academic events help students and alumni to create a maintain contacts and relations professionally, as well as socially.

The Association will arrange events, for instance knowledge sharingeventsas courses, workshops and talks, and yearly social gatherings. The association will try to establish a better connection between the members of the association, the Physics students at the University of Copenhagen, as well as the labour market and relevant non-governmental organizations. Eventually the homepage of the organization will be the platform of a qualification register, as well as a job, event and grant display board.